Student Pilot Insurance

Welcome to one of the greatest adventures of your life.

Only about one out of a thousand Americans have earned the right to call themselves a pilot. As a new student pilot, you are on your way to becoming part of that elite group. Avemco wants to make sure you get off to a good start by helping protect your finances from the beginning with student pilot insurance.

Why you need Avemco Student Pilot Renter's Insurance before your next lesson.

  • When you are learning to fly, don't assume that your flight school or friend has you covered. Their policy may not protect you from a lawsuit if you injure someone or damage property. Avemco Student Pilot's Insurance can protect you and the plane you are renting.
  • Your flight school or fixed base operator’s (FBO) insurance is designed to protect them, not you. Many now require that you purchase your own policy during training or before you solo. Sometimes they require that you purchase a certain limit. Make sure you ask this question and review the contract you sign.
  • As a student pilot, if you damage a rented or borrowed airplane, you may be held responsible, if not by the owner of the aircraft, then by the owner’s insurance company through a process called “subrogation”. The insurer will seek to recover the amount it paid out to the owner of the airplane, and the owner will want to recover their deductible.
  • Even while flying with a Certified Flight Instructor, you could be liable for bodily injury or property damage when you are at the controls of the airplane.

How much does Avemco Renter's Insurance cost?

Student Pilot insurance rates start at just $95 before any credits are applied. The cost to insure you while you are learning to fly or taking lessons will be based on multiple aspects, such as where you fly and the type of aircraft. You will find rates and options based on your specific needs here. If you have more questions, please call (888) 241 7891.

 Your best defense is an Avemco Student Pilot Policy with Aircraft Damage coverage.